Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thursday, August 17, 2006

In The Weather

New employer, new working environment and of course, met new friends to develop more connection for later purposes.

Recently, my new employer had send me for BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction And Emergency Training). The training was held at MAS Academy at Kelana Jaya for three consecutive days. The class was attended by 40 personnel from various company with only one aim. We all too eager to put our feet on the surface of Platform.

Our Instructor is very good. Experience indeed. They teach us from basic life survival, for instance CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Respiratory) up to the extreme one, sea survival. And indeed, the challenging one is the sea survival.

During this module, they put us (four personnel at a time) in the Artificial Helicopter (AH), then they turn this AH up side down (inversion position), so all of us will sink and within one minute, we have to find way out or else, we will drowning.

For the first trial, I was failed to escape because I can’t avoid myself from panic and totally forget the way out. What I found is a big hole which all the student are not permitted to escape through this hole. I just swim to this hole and make myself floating.

Now I realized that when come to the real moment, it’s not an easy althought I can swim well, I remember very well every step of this evacuation process but while water start entering your breathing system, this evacuation step seems meaningless. But as usual, wise man always say, practice make perfect, therefore, from this bitter experience, I learn something. So for the second and third trial, I’ve done it extremely well. My instructor gave credit to me.

Last night, when I was begin to sleep, I can avoid myself from thinking the whole episode I’d been through today. How closes am I to death. What happen if I’m failed to find that big hole within one minute time frame? What will happen if I became body bag today? What will happen to me next? Where I am supposes to go? I can’t answer to all those question because obviously I’m not ready for the death. I’m not ready to leave all the wonderful things and stuff, pretty and nice people around me and my dream & ambitions. But one problem I have to faced, whether I like or not, ready or not ready, when the death call, nobody can escape.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Afraid To Loose You

"When I saw you I was afraid to meet you,
When I met you I was afraid to know you,
When I knew you I was afraid to love you,
Now I love you and I'm afraid to lose you!"


Jika kamu memancing ikan....
setelah ikan itu terlekat dimata kail hendaklah kamu mengambil terus ikan itu....
janganlah sesekali kamu lepaskan ia semula ke dalam air begitu sahaja....
kerana ia akan sakit oleh kerana bisanya ketajaman mata kail mu dan mungkin akan menderita selagi ia masih hidup.

Begitulah juga setelah kamu memberi banyak pengharapan kepada seseorang...
setelah ia mula menyayangimu hendaklah kamu menjaga hatinya....
janganlah sesekali kamu terus meninggalkannya begitu sahaja....
kerana dia akan terluka oleh kenangan bersamamu dan mungkin tidak dapat
melupakan segalanya selagi dia mengingatimu....

Jika kamu menadah air biarlah berpada, jangan terlalu mengharap pada takungannya dan janganlah menganggap ia begitu teguh....
cukuplah sekadar keperluanmu.... Apabila sekali ia retak....
tentu sukar untuk kamu menampalnya semula.... akhirnya ia dibuang.... sedangkan jika kamu cuba membaikinya mungkin ia masih boleh digunakan lagi....

Begitu juga jika kamu memiliki seseorang terima lah seadanya....
Janganlah kamu terlalu mengaguminya dan janganlah kamu menganggapnya begitu istimewa.... anggaplah dia manusia biasa. Apabila sekali dia melakukan kesilapan bukan mudah bagi kamu untuk menerimanya....
akhirya kamu kecewa dan meninggalkannya. Sedangkan jika kamu memaafkannya boleh jadi hubungan kamu akan berterusan hingga keakhirnya....

Jika kamu telah memiliki sepinggan nasi... yang kamu pasti baik untuk dirimu. Mengenyangkan. Berkhasiat. Mengapa kamu berlengah, cuba mencari makanan yang lain..
Terlalu ingin mengejar kelazatan. Kelak, nasi itu akan basi dan kamu tidak boleh memakannya. Kamu akan menyesal.

Begitu juga jika kamu telah bertemu dengan seorang insan... yang kamu pasti membawa kebaikan kepada dirimu. Menyayangimu. Mengasihimu. Mengapa kamu berlengah, cuba membandingkannya dengan yang lain. Terlalu mengejar kesempurnaan. Kelak, kamu kehilangannya dan kamu akan menyesal apabila dia beralih arah.

Monday, June 12, 2006


Sometimes I faced difficulty to understand about WOMAN. Maybe the story below will help me in order to get clear picture what's WOMAN is all about.

A French teacher was explaining to her class that in French, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine. 'House', for instance, is feminine; 'Pencil', however, is masculine.

A student asked, What gender is 'computer'? Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether computer should be a masculine or feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for their recommendation.

The men's group decided that computer should definitely be of the feminine gender (la computer), because:

1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic.

2. The language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else.

3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval;

4. And ss soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it. (No chuckling guys ... this gets better!!!)

The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be masculine (le computer), because:

1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on.

2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves

3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time THEY are the problem;

4. And as soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model...

the conclusion is?? male or female??? haduu..haruu camni...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Don't Cry







Why Women Cry...

A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?"
"Because I'm a woman," she told him.

"I don't understand," he said.His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you
never will."

Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no

" All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.

The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.

Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked,
"God, why do women cry so easily?"

God said:

" When I made the woman she had to be special.
I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world yet gentle enough to give comfort.

I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that any times comes from her children.

I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining..

I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.

I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.

I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.

And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."

"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."

To Someone Far Away

Hearts Could only Love For a While,
Feet Could only Walk For Some Mile,
Clothes Won't Forever in Style,
But Knowing You In My Life Is Forever Worthwhile.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Rage Of Angels

“…tell us of the secret hosts of evil, O’ Cimon. Their names may not be speak aloud lest they profane mortal lips, for they came out of unholy darkness and attacked the heavens, but they were driven away by the rage of angels…”

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Field Of Innocence

I Still Remember The World, From The Eyes Of A Child, Slowly Those Feelings, Were Clouded By What I Know Now

Where Has My Heart Gone, An Uneven Trade For The Real World, How I, I Want To Go Back To, Believing In Everything And Knowing Nothing At All

I Still Remember The Sun, Always Warm On My Back, Somehow It Seems Colder Now, Where Has My Heart Gone, Trapped In The eyes Of A Stranger, How I, I Want To Go Back To, Believing In Everything

Where Has My Heart Gone, An Uneven Trade For The Real World, How I, I Want To Go Back To, Believing In Everything, Always

Where Has My Heart Gone, Trapped In The eyes Of A Stranger, How I, I Want To Go Back To, Believing In Everything...

Friday, May 19, 2006

Quote 1

Take My Eyes But Let Me See You,
Take My Mind But Let Me Think About You,
Take My Hand But Let Me Touch You…
But If You Want To Take My Heart…It's Already With You.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Depression Day

That day, while I’m on leaved, few miracles things happen to me. But I’m not in the mood to elaborate more further about that, what I’m going to write now is about my gf. Maybe God want to show something to me, just slightly when I arrived at KLIA, I can smell something wrong will happen, but as usually I just ignore that feeling and go ahead with my schedule which I’ve had prepared since I’m abroad.

Accidentally, this time she is on leave too, she wasn’t in town for a month and visiting her at her hometown wasn’t include in early schedule. So we just talk via phone and sometime much convenient for both of us to use SMS as our communication medium.

The problem start occurs when she felt that I’m not given much attention to her since I arrived home which I have to admit that. But as usual, everything run smoothly until at one point, she wrote an Email to express how depressed she was. I’d study that email for few days and stay keep calm. I don’t want to put more damage on our relationship. After a few days when by, she told me that she was regretted about that Email. I knew, it’s wasn’t her while she wrote those words. So I take an effort to study about MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). After make some homework about MPD, I reach a conclusion that my gf has some MPD which is not in serious level. Maybe my perception is not 100% correct but I still have a ground to say so. Thus, I talk to her about this, I want her aware of this MPD and take necessary precaution before its become late.

As usual, she have point to denied it, but I also have my own point plus my study material which is I assume more concrete and firm. We keep arguing more and more which I felt very amusing. I can’t avoid myself from smiling all the time while we arguing about this issue, Hehe…this time, I outwitted her. Actually the whole idea of this MPD is genuinely came from me, I just want to create some kind of stories which I knew she will afraid of that. Hehe..I win this time…and I realised, she’s no longer depressed.


While I was here, I've had an opportunity to met this guy. I called him Naz. He works as a System Engineer from one of our vendor . He's engaged and will marry soon. He's about to marry the daughter from a rich family.

For the sake of conversation, I teased him once, "you're very lucky guy, how you managed to get this girl?". And he smiled and replied instantly. "There is a English proverb that we have to always keep in our mind, If your father is not rich, that's because of your fate, but if your father in law is not rich, that's because of your stupidity". Emmm...that's very good proverb, and this is the first time I've heard about it.

I knew that I'm poor, neither my parent nor myself could afford to buy an imported car, therefore, in my understanding, we are poor. Nonetheless, I'm very happy with life now, my parent are doing well so far, my sister already settle down, so I think, there no reason for me chase a rich girl in order to have financial stability. He perhaps got lucky because he managed to get that package, but I have my own package and will pursue for it. The bottom line is that, I'm happy with my life now, with the people surround me and tried to live with that boundary. We have to be ourself and honest with ourself.Emmm...nice proverb anyway..maybe I can apply it when the time comes.

Half Glass

A few months back, I had an opportunity to make small chit chat with one of my foreign friends here, in Sudan. I called him Rod. His name was not related from his enjoyment to watch the trailer of Invisible Rod. Hehe…he is older than me, twice of my age but still energetic to work and as far as I know, he is one of the dedicated employees here.

Because of his dedication, I cannot avoid myself from curiosity, therefore I asked him a question." Are you happy to work and stay here?" I asked that question because from personel view, I didn't understand why at his age, he still have to work abroad and be far away from his family. What he'd told me after that amused me very much. He said, our life here is like a Half Glass of water. Its up to us how to see it, either half empty or half full. I totally stunned and instantly I understand what he trying to say. So from that day on, I always say to myself that I choose the second one. Full of positive thingking and perception of life. Maybe this is the secret of happy life. I'm no longer devastated here. Thanks Rod.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

It's because I'm so ridiculously fabulous...

I’m feeling strangely upbeat today. I’ve been smiling all morning. Considering what my mood has been like over the past few days… I’m glad I’m back to being silly, and upbeat others.I could attribute this to any one of the following things:

1. I have a new Wallet

2. I washed my hair. Something about newly washed hair makes you feel clean all over, down to your soul.
I did something possibly very foolish last night, which might have just marked the beginnings of the genius idea for the book I’ve wanted to write.
I decided that every time I felt like I was going to think about the bad stuff, I was just going to stop everything and sing ‘Barbie Girl’ instead.
I realized that how unpredictable life is and how if someone had told me 6 months ago that all the shit that has happened…would happen… I would have pooped my pants. So really…there is no sense if me being all ‘woe is me’ about whatever because what the fuck do I really know?
They played ‘brass in pocket’ on the radio this morning on the drive to work.
Speaking of the drive to work… I took a different route. That’s huge. I’m such a creature of habit and routine… but something about this morning inspired me to drive a different way. Small changes.It finally makes sense to me. I’ve been suffering from ‘senioritis’… except, I’m not a senior. I haven’t wanted to do anything…I’ve been putting everything off from the simple things to the big things. God, I can’t remember the last time I went to the gym. With the grandparents coming this weekend to visit…I think I’ll be hitting the gym more. I have to at least make it look like I care…My hair is growing out. I’m really happy about this. Short hair was fun, and I needed that side of my personality to come out but something about longer hair calms me down. I need to be a bit more rational. And yes, hair can do that for me.So I’ve decided… again… that I’m going to go back to Grad School. The problem now is… I have no idea what I want to do. I like so many different things…I think the issue now is finding a program that I wont lose interest in. It will have to be very interdisciplinary. I’m interdisciplinary. I think I want to be an expert in something…I just don’t know what.I love writing. But do I really want to pursue an education in it?
I’m very interested in sex and gender studies, but I don’t want a feminist education. The idea of getting a Master’s in women’s studies bores me.I wish there was a program that blended cognitive science and neuro psychology with the philosophy of gender and sexuality. Maybe something that focused on helping intersexed children and promoting awareness. I love studying the why’s and how’s. The idea of counseling intrigues me. I could see myself as an educational counselor/advisor. I’ve done that sort of thing for undergrad students before…and I loved it. It’s the best way I utilize my empathetic side. I’m good at getting inside a person’s head and sorting stuff out.If my work could do something to change public policy and instigate social change and awareness…I think I’d die a happy woman. I suppose that would be my end goal.
To inspire change for the better… or just cause it. Oh.. and if that happened to result in superstardom for me.. well hey… I’ll take that too! Is there a Master’s program out there that can do that for me?I guess I still don’t know what I really want to be when I grow up. I just have to be creative. I have to be able to say what I think. I have to be able to want a lot of things and not have it hurt me.I’m tired of being told that it’s not possible. If it’s possible to fucking walk on the moon, it’s certainly possible for me to get everything I want. If it’s possible for assholes to walk among us and get everything they want because they don’t care about shit… then certainly the quality of the things people like me want would be much higher, and therefore much worthier of the time it takes to acquire them. I guess if I wanted shit… I could snap my fingers and get it like that. But I don’t want shit. I want magic. I want fireworks. I’m not an asshole. So I’m going to get it.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Hari-Hari Terakhir Di Sudan

With Rosli, Kat Dubai Airport.

With my friends, together with our big bos yg sgt baik hati dan byk beri tunjuk ajar. Just slightly before departure to Khartoum for final R&R.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Potong Daging

Haha..sapa sangka, pelajar yang paling takut dgn DARAH dalam Biology Class dah jadi pemotong daging yang handal kat Sudan ni..Aku pun tak percaya dgn apa yang aku buat ni, walau apa pun, aku dah ada kemajuan sikit dalam hal ni.. Gambar ni kitaorg ambik masa Raya Haji tempoh hari. Best giler...bergotong royong masak...sampai muka aku naik hitam kena asap..haha..

Inside Control Room

With Sudanis Process Engineer. Ibrahim nama mamat ni. Selalu buat aku pening kepala dgn idea and proposal yg logik but not practical to applied here. Nonetheless, he is one of the good engineer who always find a solution to solved any matters arrised.

The next pic was Kavi, my instrument technician. Very good and dedicated person. Always give a hand during inspection at field. Senang sekali bekerja dgn mamat dari Chennai India ni. Bila la agaknya aku dapat buat project kat sana..boleh jumpa dgn adik beradik Katrina Kaif..heheheee

Friday, April 14, 2006

Atas Flare

Gambar ni aku ambik masa buat Inspection Atas Flare. Dari sini aku dapat lihat hampir keseluruhan Plant ni. Memang besar giler Plant ni, naik letih lah jugak kalau jalan kaki tu..

Mamat sorang lagi ni Mario namanya. Kawan baik aku dari Philipine. Orgnya mmg baik dan aku senang sekali bekerja dgn dia. Muka "babyface" tapi umur 10 tahun lebih tua dari aku..Dia ajak aku berkunjung ke Metropolis, bercuti katanya. Aku pun tak sure lagi nak pergi ke tak..tgklah kalau free nanti.."Pagal Ko Sayong" haha...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Sambutan Maulidur Rasul

With my best friends , Wira, ada bakat jugak mamat ni.hehe...senasib dgn aku gak, masih bujang.

Wira di apit oleh Muthu dan Siva. Control Macho betul lah mamat yg posing kat tgh tu.

AJK memasak. Wan Rahman, Maarof dan Rosli. Posing beb, jgn tak posing

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Day When Minister Came

Last night I had another sleepless in Sudan. This scenario has been started since last week when I became the FOCAL person for Commssioning Team. Preparation for Minister visit today really make me headache, lot of things need to consider and recheck again and again, with the limitation of facilities, what can I do? . Arg...arg....this is really crazy. I have to faced the reality here, sometimes all the technical application can't be applied when political influence start to come in. It's very dificult to work with expatriate label in the "semi civilized" country like here.

With all these obstacles, I remember one thing, during my school days, my teacher always say "we do the best, let the GOD do the rest". Hopefully everything will run smoothly today.

To all my teachers, I loved you all. I'm one of your product.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

In Front Of The Mirror

Alhamdulillah, Thanks to Allah. I full recovered today from my illness lately.

Today, in the early morning, when I saw my face in front of the mirror, I feel glad, and wonderful. I keep thinking, there is something missing inside of me here. I keep thinking, thinking and go ahead with my boring life here.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Haha..Caya jgn tak caya plak...we managed to ate "lontong" here..Tima kasih kat kekawan ku yg bersusah payah masak Lontong ni, dpt jugak merasa Lontong kat Bumi Sudan ni. Aku tak dapat tolong kali ni sebab aku tak sihat. Kepala pening and got flu...

What Makes a Lefty: Myths and Mysteries Persist

By : Corey Binns Wed Mar 22, 10:00 AM ET

Can openers, scissors and spiral-bound notebooks discriminate against lefties. Despite such challenges, 10 to 12 percent of the human population has historically preferred the left hand.Why doesn't the number ever waiver? Nobody knows for sure, but new research supports a body of evidence that suggests genetics have a hand in it all.

In the meantime, the myth remains that lefties are more artistic. And the idea that left-handed fighters have an advantage persists on scant evidence, supported by Scottish lore and Rocky Balboa's heroics in the ring.

Look, Mom: Both hands!
Like many traits, handedness is probably determined by a complex interaction between genes and the environment, experts figure.
Left-handers are more likely to have a left-handed relative. But researchers have yet to find the gene or set of genes that pick one hand over the other.

Most scientists agree that handedness exists on a continuum. The idea helps explain why some people bowl with their left but hold a spoon in their right. Truly ambidextrous people, who have indifferent preference for either hand, are extremely rare.

In a new study, researchers measured the width of elbows in living people and in skeletons from a medieval British farming community.
The researchers assumed the 9-to-1 ratio of handedness would match the ratio of bigger right to left elbows. The prediction held true in the modern-day group, but not for the medieval bones.

Most of the ancient farmers' left and right elbows were the same size.
"It's obvious that they were using both hands equally," said anthropologist Amanda Blackburn from the University of Manitoba. "It's not fair to say they were ambidextrous in the true sense of the word, but they may have had a tendency to use both hands equally. It's a behavior they may have learned rather than just being born like that."
The findings will be published in the April issue of the journal Current Anthropology.
Oppressing the left

Lefties have long suffered. In India and Indonesia, eating with the left hand is considered impolite. Chinese characters prove extremely difficult to write with the left hand. Not so long ago, teachers slapped the wrists of left-handed American elementary students.
Humans have shown the ability to learn to use their non-preferred hand after injuries, when required to perform manual labor, or in the face of cultural pressure.
Yet preference for handedness appears to take root in the womb, or even earlier.

One genetic model, called the right shift theory and developed by psychologist Marian Annett at the University of Leicester, suggests that a single gene increases the likelihood of being right-handed.

"The essence of my right shift theory is that there is a gene that helps to develop speech in the left hemisphere of the brain and increases the probability of right-handedness," Annett told LiveScience.

Whatever evolutionary jog made humans left-brain dominant for speech also made us right-side dominant, Annett argues. Since our closest relatives—chimpanzees—can't talk, the gene must have arisen in recent evolutionary history. One study found most chimps prefer to fish for termites with their left hand. But other recent research shows most chimpanzees favor their right hand when throwing overhand.

"The prevailing genetic model seems to be pretty strong. There are only a few weak points that are yet to be addressed. Not only can they not pinpoint a gene, there's conflicting data out there too," said David Wolman, author of "A Left Hand Turn Around the World" (Da Capo Press, 2005).

In a twist on the genetic model, the gene for hand preference might also be the gene for hair whorl direction, the way a person's hair turns on the top of their head. Half of people with counterclockwise whorls prefer their left hand, according to research by Amar Klar at the
National Cancer Institute' name=c1>SEARCHNews News Photos Images Web' name=c3>
National Cancer Institute.

The same system that patterns hair and handedness could also play a role in the asymmetrical organization of the brain. "It is clear that the same genetics control both traits, along with the side of the brain where language is processed," said Klar.
The artistic myth

The answer to left-handedness is likely in the brain, and probably has to do with that organ's asymmetry, scientists generally believe. Somewhere in our lopsided brains is something, probably a gene or two that determines which hand prefers to throw a ball and which hand likes to write.

Unfortunately, scientists can't open up someone's brain and see a sign for hand preference Wolman said.

For anyone to move their left hand, or anything on their left side, instructions come from the right side of the brain. Motor centers of the brain control the hands; lefties have more dominant motor centers on the right side of their brain.
But just because the directions come from the side of the brain associated with artistic function, doesn't mean a lefty's more likely to compose a Shakespearean sonnet.
"The big myth is that the right side of the brain is somehow a creativity bull's-eye. That's not the case, and doesn't have anything to do with handedness. You need resources from both sides of your brain to be creative. All people use both sides of the brain," Wolman told LiveScience.
Fighting advantage

Lefties have had the upper hand in hand-to-hand combat since the Bronze Age, and even today, in the boxing ring. Left-handedness could be beneficial in times of violence, and genetically passed from one generation of fighters to the next, as shown by Charlotte Faurie and Michel Raymond of the University of Montpellier II in France.

While a righty fought with a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left, a left-handed swordsman could make strong surprise attack on the opponent's unprotected right side. Recall Rocky Balboa's last-minute switch to his southpaw.
The Kerr family of Scotland, known for sinister swordsmanship, went so far as to build Ferniehirst Castle with an unusual staircase that spiraled counterclockwise. The architecture provided left-handed fighters more freedom to swing their sword.
Today, the common Scottish terms Kerr-handed, kerry-fisted and corry-fisted mean left-handed.

The concept of lefties advantageously killing off all the righties doesn't hold strong, however. The 9-to-1 ratio of right- to left-handedness existed long before the advent of sword and shield warfare and continues to this day.

Some researchers suggest prenatal levels of testosterone determine hand preference. Brain damage from trauma in the delivery room is another explanation. "Proud lefties cringe at the thought of it," said the left-handed Wolman.
"The genetic model has wider support among the laterality community than brain damage at birth or levels of hormones in the womb," Wolman said. "At the end of the day, everyone seems to go back to the gene."

The Day You Went Away

When I met you, I wasn’t planning on falling in love, I wasn’t planning on feeling so attached to someone, but you awakened feeling inside of me slowly that I’d forgotten existed.

The day I knew you, I didn’t realized how much our love would grow that the attraction that first brought us together would reach beyond passion to the comfort of knowing I have someone very special, someone who is not only my lover but also my close friend.

When I met you, I had no idea where our relationship would lead us, how beautiful you make my world. But now, today, without a doubt I knew, the luckiest day of my life was the day I met you.

Sicked days

I'm not feeling well today. Its had started since yesterday, so I decided not to go to the office and take one day off. Last night I sleep early compared to the other night which only I can sleep around 3 O clock in the morning.

I miss Malaysia...Ranhill please send me back ASAP.....


Recently I had an opportunity to watch this movie. When I watch it, I enjoyed every moment of it and the way Kidman plays her roles make my heart bit run faster than usual. It's some sort like pyscho thriller film. I don't know what happen to me lately, previously I like very much to watch Sandra Bullock movie, but since she already full occupied, I switch to this poor girl. Hehe..maybe it's because she become single again. Haha..

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Angkatan Memasak

Kalau nak tau, ni lah dia geng kumpulan memasak masa bulan posa 2004 hari tu. Tiap2 hari kitaorg masak, dari yg simple sampailah kepada yang "complicated". Walaupun kat sini semuanya terhad, namun demi bulan yang mulia ni, kitaorg
cuba buat yang terbaik. Syabas kat "group" ni,
moga dapat keberkatan kerana menjamu
org yang berbuka posa.hehe....

Peter Siebel

Dalam byk2 "vendor" kat Sudan ni, mamat ni lah yg paling aku susah nak faham. Mana taknya, bila aku cakap English, dia cakap Jerman. Mula2 aku "liaised" dgn Peter ni, mmg susah nak mampos, to make the things more worst, mamat Peter ni "kepala angin" sikit. So aku kena byk sabar kerja dgn anak buat Hitler sekor ni. Nevertheless, Peter ni mmg "professional". Ada satu hari tu, aku kena "standby" sampai pukul 2.30 pagi dgn dia sebab esok nak jalan gak 'Boiler' ni. So malam yg malang tu, aku dgn Si Peter ni pun bekerja macam nak 'RAK'.

Walau apa pun, Peter ni baik hati, dia kasi aku pinjam DVD citer James Bond versi Jerman. Macam hampeh citer dia..hahhaaaaaaaa...aku dah giler agaknya....hahahahahaaa

It wasn't supposed to be this way, but since it is....


Suhaimi Ahmad

Siannye abg kita ni, makan biskut je..hehe...Takpe bang, sabar je lah. tak lama lagi boleh makan sedap2 kat Kemaman. Aku panggil abg ni Abg Mi je. Dia ni lah yg byk tlg aku kalau dlm bab2 "modified" ni. Kalau ada "project haram" je aku tak cari org lain dah, mmg Abg Mi ni pakar dlm bab2 macam ni. Aku senang sekali bekerja dgn dia. Kekadang kepala giler dia tu boleh buat aku "Jam" kejap. Aku kalau turun Kemaman, mesti contact Abg Mi ni. Abg Mi, nanti kita makan seafood byk2 kat Kemaman ek...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Closed Up


DC Department

Suhaimi Ahmad

Sian kat abg ni

Peter Siebel


Ini salah seorg dari ramai - ramai aku punya "Mentor" kat sini. Org Nganu, baik & kekadang byk cakap sampai aku pun letih lah nak layan.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Abg Din, Z, & Azmi T

Yg tgh tu Bos aku, kitaorg panggil dia Abg Din je, org ye baik, lemah lembut, bersopan santun but suka buat lawak lucah..hehe..duit banyak dan masih single lagi, sapa yg berkenan boleh contact aku, aku jadi agent dia, service charge tak mahal, 25% je..hehe..jgn marah bos nanti kena jual..hehe..

Yg sebelah Bos pakai baju oren tu Abg Z, nama sebenar Zainudin. Tapi nama galmour dia "abah". Dia ni kita panggil abah sebab ada anak dara sunti yang tgh mekar dalam taman. So ramai lah jejaka yg tak tahu malu cuba nak "adjust" but aku tak sure pulak berapa hantaran abah nak letak,. hehe...

Yg mamat lagi sorang ni Azmi Tawil. Org nye panjang nak mampos, sesuai dgn nama Tawil. Mamat ni masa aku mula-mula kenal mmg "annoyed" betul. Kira tahap "giler babas" lah dia punya mulut. But bila aku mula guna "method" "human factor" peringkat ke 3, dah Ok dah skrg ni. Walau apa pun dia ni baik, pandai tebar roti canai lagi, so merasalah kitaorg makan roti canai kat bumi Sudan ni.

Friday, March 17, 2006

From the collapsed of Melacca, we built Putrajaya

Emmm...gambar ni aku ambik masa aku kerja dgn Peremba, skrg nama dia dah tukar ke PECD. Aku enjoyed kerja kat sana but gaji kecik da..mana cukup. Masa aku ambik gambar ni, aku pergi "unofficial site visit", tu la pasal tak pakai "safety boot"pun.

Almost 2 years I stayed here, and I miss this town more than my hometown. Byk benda menarik, suka dan duka ketika aku tinggal disini. Disini jugalah, for the first time in my life, I realised the value of lose, desperate and etc...

Once I Knew You….
Often, I Miss You,
Always I'll Care For You,
Never, Will I Forget You,
Because I Never Wanna Lose Someone Like You


Nama dia ni Olga, tapi dia ada nama melayu..Azizah diberi gelaran. Aku pun tak pasti macam mana aku boleh kawan dgn minah saleh dari Rusia ni. Semuanya berpunca di Doha Qatar. Aku masa tu tgh transit di Doha dalam perjalanan ke KLIA. Azizah N her parent masa tu sama dgn aku, tgh tunggu shuttle nak pergi ke Hotel, dia "approached" aku masa tu, and when she saw my final destination on my ticket, dia suka sgt. dia kata Kuala Lumpur. Aku pun cakap lah. 'Ye" so dia pun kata nak pergi KLIA gak. Aku pun happy gak sebab ada kawan plus dia boleh cakap "bahasa" beb. So lagi cepatlah kitaorg mesra...hehe

Aku sempat tanya dia, macam mana dia boleh cakap "bahasa"? Dia cakap dia byk berkawan
dgn "student" Malaysia di Moscow, mostly "Medical" student. And I asked her, why she choose "bahasa" as one of her third languange subject at school. She told me that because of her "MADNESS" and finally we laughed on aloud.

Bila sampai kat KLIA, kita org sampai pukul 1.30 am, so aku kena tunggu sampai pukul 6am for the first train to KL Sentral. Therefore, kitaorg pun berborak lah. Dia cakap nak pergi Batu Feringgi kat Penang. Dia tanya aku apa yang best kat sana. Sadly, aku cakap aku pun tak pernah pergi sana sebab tak ada masa plus nothing extra ordinary there except sea and beach. Banyak gak benda yang sempat kitaorg borak, sampai aku letih lah nak bersoal jawab dgn Azizah ni. Aku bagi HP no. aku kat dia, aku cakap kalau sesat or need road guide ke, maybe aku boleh tlg. Maybe this coming August, Azizah akan dtg ke KL semula. Kali ni mungkin aku ada masa sikit nak bawak dia jejalan kat sekitar Malaysia.

Atas Separator

Gambar ni kita org ambik atas Separator. Saja je nak "posing " sikit. hehe..Mamat pakai baju coklat spec hitam tu, roomate aku dulu, but skrg ni dah tak de kat sini. Dia dah join MMC plak. Tak tahan katanya kerja kat Sudan. Anyway, good luck 4 him. So bagi 4 jejaka tampan ni, pejuangan harus di teruskan, sampai ASB account penuh lah katakan hehe...

At Selangor Club

Mei 2005, Khartoum Sudan

Emm..Pic ni kitaorg ambik masa mula-mula sampai ke Sudan. Masa sampai tu, cuaca sgtlah panas & kering. Aku rasa adalah dalam 45 to 50 degree C, cuba bayangkan, malam pun panas.

Dalam 5 org jejaka kacak ni, tinggal 3 org je lagi yang masih bertahan kat Sudan ni, 2 org lagi dah kena transfer ke Project Pakistan.

Dalam 5 org ni, aku lah yang paling muda dan paling hansome (dia org cakap). Hehe..aku no comments.