Thursday, August 17, 2006

In The Weather

New employer, new working environment and of course, met new friends to develop more connection for later purposes.

Recently, my new employer had send me for BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction And Emergency Training). The training was held at MAS Academy at Kelana Jaya for three consecutive days. The class was attended by 40 personnel from various company with only one aim. We all too eager to put our feet on the surface of Platform.

Our Instructor is very good. Experience indeed. They teach us from basic life survival, for instance CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Respiratory) up to the extreme one, sea survival. And indeed, the challenging one is the sea survival.

During this module, they put us (four personnel at a time) in the Artificial Helicopter (AH), then they turn this AH up side down (inversion position), so all of us will sink and within one minute, we have to find way out or else, we will drowning.

For the first trial, I was failed to escape because I can’t avoid myself from panic and totally forget the way out. What I found is a big hole which all the student are not permitted to escape through this hole. I just swim to this hole and make myself floating.

Now I realized that when come to the real moment, it’s not an easy althought I can swim well, I remember very well every step of this evacuation process but while water start entering your breathing system, this evacuation step seems meaningless. But as usual, wise man always say, practice make perfect, therefore, from this bitter experience, I learn something. So for the second and third trial, I’ve done it extremely well. My instructor gave credit to me.

Last night, when I was begin to sleep, I can avoid myself from thinking the whole episode I’d been through today. How closes am I to death. What happen if I’m failed to find that big hole within one minute time frame? What will happen if I became body bag today? What will happen to me next? Where I am supposes to go? I can’t answer to all those question because obviously I’m not ready for the death. I’m not ready to leave all the wonderful things and stuff, pretty and nice people around me and my dream & ambitions. But one problem I have to faced, whether I like or not, ready or not ready, when the death call, nobody can escape.

1 comment:

Fiza cute said...

agreed with u.. thats why we need to "hargai sesuatu yg mungkin berharga suatu masa masa nanti"