Monday, January 08, 2024

Being yOURself


1. Undeserved.
2. Literally intellectual.
3. Imposter Syndrome.
4. The location of culture - 
5. Anglophlie.
6. Ambivalent.
7. Imagine Community.
8. Paradox.
9. Identity of fluid.
10. Absolute Malays, absolute Chinese, and absolute Indian.
11. Greatest tragedy.
12. Driven by ideas.
13. Instrumental benefits.
14. Political exile.
15.  Culture identity.
16. terra incognita - uncharted territory
17. All that essential is invisible to the eye - The little prince
18. War and peace.
19. Genesis of friendship.
20. Incisive.
21. Expediency
22. Instrintic notion
23. Lexicon, Vocabulary, 
24. Stand its own terms and own merit.
25. Chris Cornell by the band Soundgarden
26. Greatest Struggle.
27. Reality and Fact are 2 different things.
28. No less inteligent.
29. Mavericks.
30. Benevalent.
40. I made no claim to trauma or dislocation.
41. Fitting in.
42. Art of politics.
43.  Conrads - Heart of darkness
44. Falling apart
45. whatever happens to the Malays will define this country.
46. Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan
47. Iconoclast.

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