Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monday Morning

I started my monday morning by make all the necessasy payment to the relevant payee as follows :-

1. Baby sitter
2. Celcom
3. TNB
4. Farah Wahida Bio Aura 8th Installament
5. Ayah
6. American Express Credit Card

This is just for today, few will continue by next month.

Today working environment a little relax, office felt empty,

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Salary Day

Gaji dah masuk semalam. Aku masih tak tau nak beli apa bulan ni. Kalau ikutkan hati, aku mmg nak simpan as much as posible, tapi tak logik la jugak, aku ada benda nak bayar, dari installment rumah sampai brg brg pasar. Memang lumrah hidup ni macam begini, kekadang, kita ni hanya tempat duit singgah sementara saja. Bila kita membeli atau membayar sesuatu, duit itu akan berpindah tangan. Jadinya, kita ni macam tempat duit transit je...macam airport keluar masuk dan transit di sana sini...

Aku masih ingat lagi masa aku kerja kat Sudan 3 tahun lalu. Kat sana aku mmg tak payah fikir pasal benda benda ni sebab takde tempat pun aku nak shopping. Aku pun stay kat concentration camp masa tu. Kat sana aku tak yah sibuk sibuk nak fikir pasal jalan jam, bayar tol, minyak, bil api air dan macam macam lagi lah... Semuanya free. Company yang bayar. Yang aku tau cuma kerja kerja dan kerja...haha..Tapi bila balik Msia, keadaan jauh berbeza...kekadang aku merindui zaman zaman yang lampau....

Kekadang aku terfikir sendir, apa sebenarnya matlamat kehidupan aku, berapa byk duit lagi yang aku nak kejar, apa benda lagi yg aku nak beli, berbagai soalan soalan yang berlegar legar dalam pemikiran aku sampai aku pun takde jawapannya. Kalau nak ikutkan expenses aku, mmg aku org yg berjimat. Pergi kerja pun naik motor cup sebab nak cepat. Jalan raya kat lembah klang ni mmg hari hari jam, so aku kena cari alternative nak encounter masalah ni. Jadinya aku pakai motor je, lebih praktikal dan saving.

Tahun lepas aku dah beli 2 labtop baru, satu pakai company loan, buat installment 10 kali bayar, satu lagi pakai duit sendiri. Satu Lenovo W500 dan satu lagi MacPro. Dua tahun sebelum tu, aku dah beli 2 set golf dan segala benda benda yang berkaitan dgn golf. Byk jugak aku habis dalam masa dua tahun ni, tapi aku puas hati sebab benda yang aku beli ni nampak dan beguna. Untuk tahun ni aku rasa duit aku habis renovate rumah baru je la. So start from this month, aku kena control my expenditure. Kena buat saving byk sket.

Orang selalu cakap dgn aku, hidup ni hanyalah sementara. Kalau kita terlalu kedekut dan berhati hati bila berbelanja, bnyk benda dan pengalaman yang tidak dpt kita nikmati. Jadinya, hidup ini kenalah seimbang, semuanya kenalah sederhana. Barulah selamat.

New Assignment Comi'n In

This week went by 2 speculation and uncertainty. My GM want me to become head of commissioning team for the construction of our very own barge. Kota Laksamana 101. But before this thing materialize, they have to raise and debate this issue in our weekly HOD meeting and get MD approval. My current HOD definitely will not agreed with that. Who's else he want to put to taking care on the future tender. I didn't see any other candidate at this moment. But of course, the KOM job is very appealing. First, the dollar & sen count, second, this is new experience for me. The more new things you learn, the value you are. I take the challenge. As my confession to the GM, i will mobilize to Lumut once i receive the assignment letter from HR. But i did hints him that i want more allowance since this is not easy job, special treatment are required to fixed the damages from previous project team.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Salahuddin Demam

Hari ni anak aku demam lagi, badan dia panas semacam je.. dah hampir 3 hari dah dia macam ni, tapi temperature dia inconsistence. Kedang kadang rendah, sometimes panas semacam je. Aku dan wife mmg risau dgn keadaan Udin yang macam ni. Hari ni tak hantar dia kat baby siter, adk yg jaga dia hari ni. Harap harap semua ok.

Aku dah cakap dgn wife, kalau adk call yang Udin panas semacam je, terus balik, jgn fikir lagi. Wife plan nak ambik cuti esok and lusa, nak jaga Udin..

Aku suspect, dia demam sebab nak tumbuh gigi. Lately, dah 1 1/2 batang tumbuh, yang lain mungkin akan menyusul kemudian. Mungkin sebab tu la dia berapa sihat sgt lately.

Apa apa pun, ayah harap Udin dapat sembuh dgn segera. Udin, ayah & mama sgt sygkan Udin.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

#1 Quotation of Kitchen Cabinet


1 Main Cabinet Material (Base Unit) Melamine Ft 20 150.00 3,000.00
Colour Wallnut
1.1 Table Top Solid Surface Ft 20 180.00 3,600.00
Colour Pearl White or Creamy Granite Ft 20 250.00 5,000.00
1.2 Sinky Pcs 1 160.00 160.00
1.3 Water Tap Pcs 1 96.00 96.00
1.4 Kitchen Elba
Ruben Pcs 1 1,000.00 1,000.00
1.5 Drawer Pcs 1 100.00 100.00
1.6 Plumbing 1 280.00 280.00
Misc Pcs 1 265.00 265.00
Pcs 1 303.00 303.00

Sub Total c/w Solid Surface 8,804.00
Sub Total c/w Granite 10,204.00

2 Second Cabinet (Base Unit) Melamine Ft 6 150.00 900.00
2.1 Second Cabinet (Wall Unit) Melamine Ft 6 120.00 720.00
2.2 Glass Panel Glass Pcs 2 180.00 360.00
2.3 Soft Down Stay Pair 4 60.00 240.00
Drawer Pcs 1 100.00 100.00
2.4 Table Top Solid Surface Ft 6 180.00 1,080.00
Granite Ft 6 250.00 1,500.00

Sub Total c/w Solid Surface 3,400.00
Sub Total c/w Granite 3,820.00

Grand Total c/w Solid Surface 12,204.00
Grand Total c/w Granite 14,024.00

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Weekend Agenda

It's with last nite. After our family (My wife, Brother in Law, My Son and Myself) dinner we start our weekend program with watching malay movie called "Adnan Sempit". I bought this DVD yesterday while having Hi Tea with Cooi. The it's ok, easy to understand and fit's with mind during that time. I was too exhausted to think much about other thing. We couldn't finish the movie, half way round we go to bed.

Our Saturday program started as follows :-

i. Go to Pasar Klang to buy some of the wet and dry household(Ikan, Ayam, Sotong, Udang, Sayur dan lain-lain lagi).
ii. Register Home migration for Syabas 20 cubicmeter free water supply. Enclosed with copy of IC, S&P and RM30.
iii. Go to driving range at Monterez. while reaching there, drop by to transview for window shaopping and checkout what's the lattest bargain. I bought 1 very cheap golf golf, RM 10 & second hand skin, Perry Gear RM25. Then go to hit the ball. 100 pcs is enough for today. unlike other day, I managed to hit 200 balls. Due to the time constraint, 100 is ok.
iv. On the way home, drop by to Nusarhu for checking the progress. I realized now, in front of our house is a playground for the kid's. Really cool. There is 2 sink for the kitchen, the length is approximately 18 feet long and 8 feet wide. Need to design for future kitchen cabinet. Start saving from now till end of the year.
iv. After having lunch, I watching another movie, "Up In The Air" Staring by George Cloony. Ok movie. Inspiring. The weather now is ok. Raining a little bit. Not hot unlike previous weekend.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ten Traits That Make You Filthy-Rich

Ten Traits That Make You Filthy-Rich
by Jeffrey Strain
Friday, February 1, 2008 provided by

Saving money isn't all about whether or not you know how to score screaming bargains.
It has more to do with your attitude toward money.
Just think of those who don't fit the filthy-rich stereotype. People like Warren Buffett.

As explained in the book The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko, personal finance has as much to do with people's traits as it does with money. Many millionaires, in fact, have frugal ways.
Understanding how personal traits can influence your finances is an essential ingredient for building wealth.

Here are 10 key traits:

1. Patience
Patience is one of the most important traits when it comes to saving money.
This means waiting until the first wave of product hype has passed, keeping a car for an extra few years before getting another one and waiting until something you want fits into your budget instead of putting it on credit.
Patience is often the difference between creating savings and being in debt. Having the patience to wait until you find a good deal is a cornerstone of good finances.

2. Satisfaction
When you're satisfied, there is no reason to spend money on nonessentials. The sole purpose of commercials is to make you believe that buying a product or service will make you happier, wealthier, better looking or improve whatever isn't bringing you satisfaction.
People spend because they want to capture the excitement shown in advertisements. When you are satisfied with what you have and your life (not trying to live like those on TV), your finances will be in a lot better shape.

3. Organization
Being organized can make you more productive and ensure that all the many issues pertaining to personal finances are addressed.
It means not paying late fees, not buying two of everything, knowing deadlines that can affect your finances and getting more done in less time. All these can greatly benefit your finances.

4. Discipline
You need the discipline to continue to save money for specific, long-term goals every month.
Personal finance isn't a way to get rich quick, but is a disciplined execution of your lifetime plans.

5. Reflectiveness
It's important to be able to look at your financial decisions and reflect on their results.
You're going to make financial mistakes. Everyone does.
The key is to learn from those mistakes so you don't make them again, or recognize if you keep repeating them.

6. Creativity
The economy and our earnings don't always match our expectations.
Unexpected developments wreak havoc to elaborate financial plans. When this happens, changes are needed to deal with the new circumstances. Creativity is essential to accomplish this.
Creativity allows you to make something last longer rather than purchasing it when you don't have the money. It means juggling money to stay out of debt rather than simply paying with a credit card. It means finding a cheaper alternative when money is tight.
In these ways, creativity plays a large role in keeping finances in order.

7. Curiosity
Having curiosity helps you learn, study and improve yourself.
The curiosity of wanting to know more, to take the time to study and then take what is learned and put into practice is an important process that is driven by curiosity.

8. Risk-Taking
To build wealth, one needs to be willing to take risks. This doesn't mean uncalculated risks. It means weighing all the options and taking calculated risks when appropriate.
The stock market has risks involved, but over the long term, history shows that it provides good returns on money that is invested wisely. Those who fear risk altogether end up saving money in accounts that likely lose money to inflation in the long run.

9. Goal-Oriented
The importance of setting and working toward goals is obvious. If you don't know where you are going, it's difficult to get there. It helps your personal finances immensely if you have money goals and are motivated to reach the goals that you have set for yourself.
Those who lack goals don't have a road map to take them to the financial destination they want.

10. Hard- and Smart-Working:
Creating wealth and staying out of debt rarely comes about without a lot of hard work.
Many people might hope that the lottery will solve all their financial problems. The true path to financial freedom, however, is to work hard to earn money while educating yourself to continue to have more value and increase your salary.
You may not possess all of the above traits. But knowing them can help you make changes so that you nourish the ones that you have and obtain the ones you're missing.
Ultimately they will help you with your personal finances and create a plan to accumulate the wealth you desire.
Copyrighted, TheStreet.Com. All rights reserved.

How to capture a crowd

Most of the executives I work with–at companies such as Morgan Stanley Smith Barney (MS), American Express (AXP), DreamWorks Animation (DWA), and Siemens AG (SI)—are experienced presenters. But even pros who just want to put some polish on the silver may underestimate the opportunity–and the risk–in any given presentation. If you want to shine and avoid the tarnish, consider these four tips to help you be the best you can be at communicating with a crowd.

1. Can you give your presentation in 20 seconds even though you have 20 minutes to speak? Start your preparation by asking: What is the one thing I want them to remember if they remember nothing else? Studies show that by the end of the day, your audience will have forgotten half of what you said. And by the end of the week, 90% is forgotten. To make sure that the 10% that sticks is the 10% that you really want them to remember, say it early and clearly.

2. Do you look and sound like you do in a conversation? Think about your talk in terms of moods, not just information. Ask, “How should I feel when I deliver those three slides vs. the next three?…Am I giving marching orders, or am I sharing an example?” In delivering different parts of your presentation, you should look and sound different. Have someone videotape you (when you don’t know you’re being taped) to see the gestures and body movement that mark your personal style.

3. Are you mixing it up? Remember to hit the “Refresh” button. A top executive I work with recently stopped cold while rehearsing his speech and sighed, “I’m starting to get bored here myself.” Whether you add a cartoon or image to your PowerPoint, ask real and rhetorical questions–or walk a few steps to the side to tell a story. We live in a BlackBerry world. Adding variety to your visuals will keep you and your audience more engaged.

4. Do you think your presentation begins at 9 a.m., or the moment you drive in the parking lot? Recognize that “communication” begins the moment you arrive. Recall those auto execs arriving in their private planes to ask for taxpayer money. Thanks to social media, your actions (both good and bad) can wind up in print. So be kind to the receptionist, thank the folks backstage, and hold your tongue until you drive off the lot–no matter how clueless that guy in the front row was.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

S&P at Last

At last, after almost 4 years of missing, finally yesterday I managed to get
my house S&P agreement with our housing law firm. The thing that trigger about this issue is that my housing community is now trying to get free water supply form syabas which was allocated for every selangor citizen. Part of the requirement is a copy of S&P agreement.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Last Week Progress Narrative

Last week program as follows :-

i. Renew car insurance
ii. Renew car roadtax
iii. Renew driving license
iv. Provided all the supporting document for wife home loan.
v. Attend IEM course - code of ethics

I think i has settled most of the priority things last week. This week quite relax and free.

For this week, i have to browse what are most suitable new tyre for my wira. My target is Bridgestone and Michellin. I have to allocate some of my saving for this occasion, maybe this will take place by end of this year.
List of the tyre as follows:

1. Michelin
a. Pilot Sport 3
b. Pilot Sport PS2
c. Primacy LC
d. Pilot Sport Cup
e. Pilot Preceda

a. Turanza GR-90
b. Turanza GR-80
c. Turanza AR-10

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bought New House @ NusaRhu Puncak Perdana

2 minggu terakhir ini agak bz sedikit sebab wife aku baru beli rumah baru kat Nusarhu. Agak mahal jugak harga dia. RM397, 800.00. 20 X 70. 2 1/2 storey with 3 master bedroom. Aku rasa berbaloi jugak beli kat sana sebab rumah ni cantik dan besar sket. Cuma masalahnya skrg ni sebab township baru, byk kemudahan tak de lagi seperti sekolah, klinik, kedai, masjid, surau dan lain-lain lagi.

Pada mulanya aku kurang setuju dgn keputusan wife nak pindah rumah situ sebab seperti yang aku nyatakan diatas, tapi setelah fikir punya fikir, aku rasa aku terlalu pentingkan diri sendiri tanpa mengambil kira perasaan wife aku. Benarlah kata buku yang pernah aku baca, lelaki dan perempuan berfikir dgn cara yang sgt berbeza. So aku punmengalah dan bersetuju. Aku rasa ok juga kalau ada dua rumah, boleh tukar-tukar angin bila bila aku suka. Haha....

Rumah skrg yang aku dok ni semuanya ada, dari sekolah, komuter station, klinik, surau, masjid dan macam-macam lagi kemudahan yang aku rasa perlu. Kalau emergency pun dekat je dari dari rumah, kalau nak gi KL pun naik komuter sebab station komuter betul-betul depan rumah aku. Mmg strategik tempat ni. Aku pun tak bercadang nak jual ataupun nak sewakan rumah ni, yelah my first house, mesti sentimental sket. Haha...

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Plumbing & Plumber

Jadual aku hari ni hampir sama dgn hari hari sabtu yang biasa cuma bilanya ia hampir tenghari semuanya jadi luar biasa sikit. Biasanya aku memulakan hari sabtu ku dgn swing practice di driving range monterez. Selepas 200 bola. Aku berangkat balik. On the way balik aku

Friday, March 05, 2010

Bintulu PDB Project

Last year, PBJV has managed to get one of EPCC project from PDB. The project called EPCC of Upgrading Bintulu Bunkering Project. The overview of the project is that, they intent to upgrade their bunkering facilities by introducing new pump and pipeline to cater new product called MFO (Marine Fuel Oil) 380. These MFO is use for ship boiler. PBJV appoint me as Project Director & Manager for E&I portion since they strongly believe with my capability to handle such a job. For me it's ok. The project is small scale and the system & sub system also not much to handle. But the tricky is that I have to start with engineering. Meaning I have to start with conceptual design, then go to detail design and finally finally engineering before procurement, installation and commissioning. To make it happen, I have to take good engineer to support me, therefore, with strong recommendation, I bring in 2 engineer to help me. Luckily, these 2 engineer is good and can rely on.

I start to plan and strategize the work. I had talk with several potential partner and finally I found the right one. We work out the contract, the commercial and when everything is in order, we start materialize our project.

Now the project is almost come to end. The commissioning stage just around the conner. I have deliver my promises to my immediate superior, but of course, when we did something good, there must be have a people around us envy with our achievement.

When the year 2009 become very close. I had talk to my management about my intention to quick because in my opinion, I'm no longer qualified to lead this struggle. I'm offer myself to quick. But they have other opinion instead. They want to put me in the new department which I can develop & explore more about other things. I accept the offer to work with expatriate. So far everything is ok. I felt that much comfort and job description is much much clear compare to previous assignment.

As of today, I managed to compete several tender exercise. These are the following project involved :-

i. Transportation & Installation of Inter Platform Pipeline Dragon Tortoise Field – Vietnam Soviet Petroleum.
The project scope of work is Engineering, Construction and provision of As Built Documentation for 25km 8” and 10” pipeline on Dragon and Doi Moi Field which includes 6 nos of Riser, 1 no of expansion spool piece and 1 no of pipeline crossing.

ii. Transportation & Installation of MDD Jacket, Topside and Inter Platform Pipeline – Carigali – PTTEPI Operating Company Sdn. Bhd. (CPOC)
The project scope of work is transportation and installation of MDD Jacket (600MT) & Topside (700MT) c/w Jacket Piles and Appurtenance together with 18” inter platform pipeline.

iii. Transportation & Installation of Substructure & Topside of Kebabangan Northen Hub Development Project – Kebabangan Petroleum Operating Company (KPOC)
The project scope of work is transportation & installation of Offshore Substructure (14,500MT) c/w Jacket Piles, Conductors & Appurtenance together with Topside (18,000MT).

New Labtop

I bought Lenovo W500 labtop for work satisfaction and Apple Mac Pro for home leisure, haha...there two gadget become one of my precious thing now. I knew long time ago, sometimes, we have to rewards ourself. We always thing about to rewards other people, but we normally forget to rewards ourself due to don't have enough time to think about ourself. Haha...Now I can proud of least I got something to show..

My New Hobby - Playing Golf

Here we are. This is my new addicted hobby. All this while I always felt that the person who spent so much of their time to hit the small ball and put it to the hole is such of waste of their time. This is my perception until one came. My ex Bos had asked all of his employee to gather together at driving range for golf session with pro. Me too. The pro teach me how to swing, how to get the feel of swing and other basic technics on golf. Instantly, after that I felt that I'm already in love with this game.

I studied about golf, get to know more detail about golf from the latest iron, driver, wood & etc...I can't wait anymore. With one weekend, I drive myself to Isetan KLCC and bought new set of golf, from bag to iron, all together is Callaway except putter. I take Oddysey for my first one.

Occasionally, together with my colleague we had play golf during our boring day at work. Normally we did this when our bos is not in town. Yeahhhhh...We seldom play golf on the weekend because we believe that the golf is part of the work routine, and we want reserve our weekend with the love one. But when the bosses is calling, no weekend for the family, sometime I have to wakeup as early as 5 am to catch up the tee off at 7am. My first green is at The Mines Sri Kembangan Golf Club. Yeah...of course as a beginner, my swing is terrible, I had improvised from time to time. Currently, my swing is much better and I at par at other 2 or 3 year player. Not bad ahhhh...

To make sure how serious I am with golf, I bought another set, but this set was for me when i'm turn to pro in the future. White color and so clean. Yeah.....

Cuti Cuti di PD

Hehe...gambar gambar yang ku sempat ambil bila membawa isteri tercinta bercuti ke PD. Sebenarnya aku tidak berapa suka berjalan jalan ke pantai, pulau dan keadaan yang sewaktu dgnnya. Aku lebih suka berjalan ke bandar bandar sebab aku suka melihat bangunan dan structure. Bila wife ajak bercuti ke PD, aku tanpa byk soal terus je setuju. Yelah, org tgh mengandungkan, kenalah jaga hati dan perasaan dia. Aku perlu berkorban dan bertolak ansur.

Banyak benda yang berlaku semasa bercuti ini. Ianya bermula dari Shah Alam dan aku mengambil jalan lama melalui banting, terus ke nilai dan seremban dan PD. Kami bermalam satu malam di PD dan esoknya bertolak ke Melaka. dari Melaka terus balik ke Shah Alam melalui Plus highway.

Walaupun cuti-cuti ni hanya dua hari, tapi aku puas sebab dpt membawa isteri tercinta ke tempat yang dia nak pergi. Hehe...

IEM Course

BEM rule now is very stringent. In order to pursue my PE, they already come with circulation mentioned that every graduate engineer who register before 2005, they have to undergone several compulsory course. These course consist of :-

i. Engineer Management & Practice
ii. Safety & Health
iii. Engineer Code of Ethics

Therefore, on 22 of Feb till 24 Feb 2010 i had have attend those courses at IEM training center in PJ. The photo attached is all the participants involved together with our course lecturer.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Raya 2009

Gambar gambar raya 2009. Raya pertama aku bersama Salahuddin dan isteri. Life seem completed.

Berbuka Puasa

Gambar gambar berbuka puasa kat Big Plate. Lepas tu kita org gi shopping kat The Curve. I bought a Ring for my wife. Specially becuse of his struggle to deliver my son.

Raya 2009

Gambar gambar hari raya 2009. Salahuddin dah semakin besar.

Salahuddin Rafiqin yang Besar

Gambar - gambar ini diambil pada hari Aqiqah Salahuddin. Sekarang usia dia dah empat bulan. Semakin besar dan lasak. Kekadangn tak tahan aku dgn perangai dia, tapi bila difikirakan kembali, buat aku gembira pulak bila tgk karenah dia.

Pada hari Aqiqah ini, aku melihat isteriku begitu excited sekali. Kalau boleh hampir kesemua kawan kawan dia nak dijemput menghadiri majlis ini. Aku gembira bila melihat isteriku gembira. Anakku sudah semakin sihat dan membesar dengan sempurna.

Untuk majlis ini, Aqiqahnya ialah 2 ekor kambing jantan yang sihat. Aku menyerahkan semua urusan itu kepada ibu mertuaku. Aku hanya menghulurkan duit saja untuk segala urusan itu.

Bulan yang pertama adalah bulan yang tough untuk aku dan isteri. Wife aku terpaksa bangun every 3 hours untuk pump susu supaya anak aku dapat menyusu dengan sempurna. Aku juga terpaksa bangun sekali untuk membantu. Setiap 2 hari selepas aku balik dari kerja, kami akan pergi ke Hospital Putrajaya untuk menghantar bekalan susu kepada Salahuddin. Aku melihat dalam freezer di NICU, bekalan Salahuddin yang paling banyak sekali. Anak aku masih dalam Incubator. Dia hanya mampu minum dgn menggunakan tiup sebab terlalu kecil dan lemah untuk menyedut susu. Bila melihat perkembangan yang positive dari Salahuddin, aku dan isteri semakin bersemangat untuk menghantar susu lagi dan lagi supaya Salahuddin dapat membesar dgn sempurna.

Wife aku terpaksa ambik unpaid leave bulan untuk menjaga Salahuddin. Anakku terlalu kecik dan agak berisiko jika terus dihantar kerumah org atau taska sebab premature baby perlukan special attention. Satu lagi pengorbanan isteriku yang membuatkan aku betul-betul terharu.