Monday, November 20, 2023

Philosophy, Quotes, Abbreviation and Conversion

1. No permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interest.
2. Strong, Convincing and Formidable. 
3. Success is not a final, failure is not fatal, it is a courage to continue that count - Wiston Churhill.
4. Justice delay is justice denied.
5. Trust take years to earns but second to lose.
6. If you accept what is happening, it will not go too badly, if you resist, you will hurt yourself.
7. Memberi amanah pada yang layak, menjalankan hukum secara adil :  An Nisa Ayat 58.
8. Too little too late.
9. Too good to be true.
10. First right of refusal.
11. Right calibre and range of experience.
12. Salary is not entitlement, is a reflection of contribution.
13. Quid Pro Quo vs Quid Pro Bono.
14. For the sake of greater good.
15. QED : Quod Erat Demonstrandum (Which was to be demonstrated)
16. Res Ipsa Loquitur : The facts speaks for itself.
17. DNAA : Discharge Not Amounting to an Acquittal.
18. Art of Rhetoric.
19. Grandeur of Lies.
20. Master of Illusion.
21. Culture and Identity.
22. Existential.
23. Bias and Prejudice.
24. Micro Credential.
25. Employability/ Under Employment.
26. Education for higher productivity.
27. Hostile : Uneasy/ Unpleasent.
28. Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you are in harmony : Mahatma Gandhi.
29. Impetus : Dorongan/ Momentum.
30. 30,003 View : 30,000ft Bird Eye View, 3ft detail view.
31. A woman loyalty is tested when her man has nothing, while a man is tested when he has everything.
32. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting difference result. : Albert Einstein.
33. APEC : Asia Pasific Economy Cooperation.
34. TPP : Trans Pacific Partnerships.
35. Technical Competence.
36. Political Acumen : Ketajaman Politik.
37. Capitulate : Mengalah.
38. Equality before the law.
39. Bogus Argument : Argument Palsu.
40. Emerging : Kemunculan.
41. Undersell : Tawaddhuk.
42. Verbatim : In exactly same words.
43. PUU : Penasihat Undang-Undang.
44. Idioms : Simpulan Bahasa.
45. Acronyms : Abbreviations.
46. Tasco : Turn Around Safety Coordination Meeting>
47. EOI : Expression of Interest.
48. COI : Conflict of Interest.
49. SDG : Sustainable Development Goals.
50. VCM ; Voluntary Carbon Market.
51. Balance Sheet : A financial statement that reports a company's asset, liabilities and shareholder equity at specific point of time.
52. SME : Subject Matter Expet.
53. SSP : Smooth Start Up Program.
54. Vote of consciousness - Edmund Burke.
55. 1MMSCFD = 1040MMBtu/ day.
56. UDR : Unit Deducting Rider.
57. TPD : Total Permanent Disability.
58. NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
59. AD : Anno Domini (in the year of the lord)
60. BC : Before Christ.
61. Al Israa' Ayat 36 : "Dan janganlah engkau mengikut apa yang engkau tidak mempunyai pengetahuan mengenainya, sesungguhnya pendengaran dan penglihatan serta hati, semua anggota anggota itu tetap akan ditanya tentang apa yang dilakukannya".
62. MRO : Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul.
63. IOT : Internet of Thing.
64. OTOBOS : On Time On Budget On Schedule.
65. COBE : Code of Business Ethics.
66. D1BM : Design 1 Built Many.
67. POC : Proof of Concept.
68. FID : Final Investment Decision.
69. GUI : Graphic User Interface.
70. OCR : Optical Character Recognition.
71. BOT : Build Operate and Transfer.
72. BOOT : Build Own Operate and Transfer.
73. CRS : Comment Response Sheet.
74. GRN : Goods Receiving Note.
75. TSA : Technical Service Agreement.
76. RSC : Risk Sharing Contract.
77. Big 4 consultant : PWC, KPMG, EY, Delloites.
78. IQ : Intelligent Quotient.
79. EQ : Emotion Quotient.
80. SQ : Society Quotient.
81. AQ : Adversity Quotient.
82. Fiscal : relating to government revenue, especially taxes.
83. PAC : Production Acquire Contract.
84. The enemy of my enemy is my friends.
85. How to get away from murder
i. Discredit the witnesses.
ii. Introduce new suspects.
iii. Buried the evidences.
86. Low level of trust.
87. Robust.
88. Learning organization.
89. Iconoclast.
90. Politician of conviction.
91. Brown Nose. 
92. Innocent until proven guilty.

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